Rabu, 18 Juli 2012

Press Release IPC: Kecam Pemukulan Anggota DPRD Sumsel oleh Aparat

Number: 003/IPW.SS/PR/07/2012

Independent Police Watch denounces the repressive measures and unprofessional tactics of the South Sumatra Police during the Cinta Manis Tragedy.

On July 17, 2012 in South Sumatra Mr. Rusdi Tahar, SE, a member of the Dapil Ogan Ilir parliament (DPRD) and Advisory Board member of Independent Police Watch South Sumatra, was beaten by the police while fulfilling his role as a member of the government in the PTPN VII Ogan Ilir Sugarcane Plantation.  This event was recorded by the newspapers Berita Sumex, Sripo, Tribun, and Sindo on July 18, 2012.

As we understand, 400 members of the police force BRIMOB, led by Brigadier Police General of South Sumatera, M. Zulkarnain, SH and the Chief of Police of Ogan Ilir arrived to PTPN VII. There, an embarrassing incident occurred that victimized Cinta Manis residents. One of the many who were beaten by police officers was Mr. Rusdi Tahar, SE who arrived to mediate the conflict between citizens and police officers.  This beating pollutes the police as a professional institution.

Based on these facts Independent Police Watch (IPW) South Sumatra is concerned about the lack of professional behavior by the police, and consider it necessary to communicate the following:

First, the beating of Mr. Rahar and other citizens of Cinta Manis was an excessive use of force by the police officers.

Second, the beating of Mr. Rahar and the other citizens of Cinta Manis allegedly violates the standard security procedures for protests, which should above all protect public security and be carried out in a professional manner.

Third, Independent Police Watch denounces these unprofessional actions of the police during the riots associated with the dispute between the citizens of Cinta Manis and PTPN VII.

Fourth, Independent Police Watch asks that the police chief of South Sumatra and its entire staff to be responsible and act decisively (penal sanctions) against individual police officers who have committed acts of violence and human rights violations.

Fifth, Independent Police Watch urges the police of South Sumatra to handle civil security in land disputes (agrarian disputes) in South Sumatra fairly, without violence and without criminalizing the community.

Thank you for your attention and cooperation.

Independent Police Watch (IPC) Sumsel
Koordinator Daerah


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